24 November 2007

Happyly pregnant

I love commentsI have been meaning to post in over a year, and my big news, my big happy news at least is we are finally PREGNANT! 20 weeks and a day, we don't know the sex of the baby as of yet, we have the 2nd scan next week - 4th December 07
The baby's due date is the 15th of April 2008.
we are over the moon with our little baby lotto win and feel very lucky and prouder of my bump with everyday which passes.
unfortunately there is a negative in our life's too as my (very close) father in law has very recently been found to have aggressive advanced terminal cancer. is it a heart breaking time with a scary further in front of us. For my baby's sake I have to stay as strong as possible my blood pressure is a little higher than it should be so I am desperately trying to think optimistically, there's little of a week till we see the baby at our next scan and I cant wait to see how he/she has changed. My husband and his side of the family are hoping for a baby girl, as the family is dominated by boys. I would be happy with either sex although I do know how much it would mean to my father in law to know he was having a grand daughter. my side of the family strangely is dominated by girls. so it will be interesting to see which way it goes. on a hole we just want a healthy happy baby.
I am going to do my best to up date before to long and let u guys know how the scan went. I do have some 2d 10 week scan pics to post when I have them scanned.I have 2 other scans booked and booking, one private 4d scan we are aiming for 26weeks and another 2d one on the 28th week. doctors may scan every 2 weeks there after. or so the docs tell me.
so there should be plenty of pics to post soon.

20 March 2006


I have been off the pill for a little over 2 months now. we have already started trying for a baby. Last week I was due a period and it didn't happen. I kept quite about the fact that I was very late - and yesturday I decided it was long enough for it to really matter, I told my husband and I said not to be too excited. of course you can't help not to be. we decided I would do a test today after work. I kept a check on myself to see if I had my peroid start. I finished work - decided to check 1 last time before doing a test and - guess what over 7 days late my period is here. I am gutted. If I had my peroid start - even a couple of days late I would of been ok about it. but because it is so late. I had conviced myself I was pregant. My husband Is also disapointed. he says not too worry that it will happen. but its so hard to except

25 January 2006

Women to test their fertility at home

I love comments In the news....

Women can now test their fertility at home with a new kit which counts the number of eggs left.
The Plan Ahead kit can help women decide how long they can put off having children,
Costing £179, it assesses the number of eggs in a woman's ovaries compared with the levels expected for others of the same age.

The test can predict the ovarian reserve for the following two years, meaning women can make an informed decision as to whether,
or how long, they can potentially delay trying to conceive.
More and more women are delaying motherhood as they pursue their careers, believing they will still be able to conceive late in their 30s or even early 40s.

But fertility starts to decrease significantly after the age of 35 and many women who have put off having children find they are unable to conceive naturally later on.
The Plan Ahead test, launched by Lifestyle Choices, measures three hormones in the blood - two ovarian hormones called Inhibin B and AMH, and the pituitary hormone called FSH.
Combining these three results gives a forecast of the number of eggs in reserve, meaning that women who may face an early menopause are given a warning that they may not want to delay conceiving for too long.

The test has been developed by Professor Bill Ledger, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at the University of Sheffield.
He said: "My hope is that Plan Ahead will help many women avoid the anguish caused by the early or unexpected arrival of declining fertility and menopause.
"Inhibin B and AMH hormone levels start to fall relatively early in reproductive life, with a later fall in FSH.
"By combining the test on all three hormones, we are able to offer women the most accurate ovarian reserve hormone test available in the world today, which will help them plan for the future by giving a predictive assessment of the number of eggs in their ovaries."

Women who buy the test receive a kit so they can have their blood taken by a professional, such as their GP, which is then sent off to the lab to be analysed.
The woman will then receive a letter explaining the results of the test, with a telephone helpline to deal with any concerns.
Clare Brown, chief executive of Infertility Network UK, said: "There is no doubt that couples are leaving having a family until later in life and the negative effect of that decision and the ability to conceive is well documented.

"Plan Ahead is a good method for women to check out whether their ovarian reserve is diminishing or otherwise allowing them to make a more informed decision on when to have a family. "It is important to recognise though that while Plan Ahead is a valuable test, there are other factors that may cause difficulties in conceiving so it is vital that men and women make sure they are fully informed when making decisions on when to have a family."

More information is available at www.life-style-choices.com, with the kit available by mail order by calling 0114 275 5723.
It is hoped the test will be made available in chemists and private clinics later in the year.

Weight loss

I have now managed to have lost over 5 stones! im so pleased with the result it has made to my health. and excited that it has improved my chances of getting pregnant. Is there anybody else out there trying for a baby?

I would love to hear your storys

please use the link below and leave me your comments!
Thank you!

Please take the time to click one of my adertisements above :D

21 January 2006


I love comments
So The plan... before pregnancy

We have decided that we both ideally want our baby to be born almost any month but December, and because of this we are not going to start trying for the baby until the "December danger zone" has past. We will start trying around mid to late April.

Oral contraption
As I have been using this for the past 6 years it can take a wile for a woman hormones to go back to normal. You also should wait for your "true" periods to return before trying to conceive.
Once pregnant the doctor will ask you when your last true period was and will work out from that when your baby will be due.

Weight loss
As I have weight I need to loss it may cause problems with trying to conceive. I have to date lost 5 stones, and do intend on losing more weight before becoming pregnant. This will not only help with conceiving the baby but also make pregnancy easier on myself and labor. Not to mension be better for the baby.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)
  • Why do I need Folic acid? link
    It is important to the healthy development of a foetus. It can reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The Department of Health recommends that all women take a daily supplement of 0.4mg of folic acid before they conceive and for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy while the baby’s spine develops.